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Plasma Surface Treatment Machine (Rotating Gun)-F1Z-1000

Filename F1Z-1000-Plasma-Treatment-Machine.pdf
File Size 409.7KB
Revision Date 2024/07/16

Plasma Surface Treatment Machine (Rotating Gun)-F1Z-1000 


Advantages of Plasma Treatment Machine:

  • High Activation Performance

    • Significantly enhances the wettability of material surfaces, creating active surfaces that facilitate subsequent coating and bonding.

  • Enhanced Coating Adhesion

    • Through surface coating treatment, improves surface adhesion, increasing bonding reliability and durability, suitable for industrial coating and bonding processes.

  • Excellent Cleaning Effect

    • Effectively removes dust and oil stains, achieving fine cleaning and eliminating static electricity, particularly suitable for applications requiring high cleanliness.

  • Improves Printing Quality

    • As a pre-printing surface treatment, it significantly increases ink adhesion, enhancing printing quality.

  • Multi-functional Surface Treatment

    • Suitable for various materials, such as polymer plastics, ceramics, glass, PVC, paper, and metals, enhancing surface energy and improving surface tension characteristics to meet different industrial needs.

  • Gentle Treatment, Material Protection

    • Uses low-temperature plasma technology to break molecular bonds on the material surface, increasing chemical reaction activity without affecting the material’s base properties, ideal for treating heat-sensitive polymer materials.

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Wide Range of Applications:

  • Electronics Industry

    • Suitable for LCD screens, casings and buttons, PCB surface cleaning, lens pre-bonding treatment, wire and cable marking pre-treatment.

  • Automotive Industry

    • Used for pre-bonding treatment of car lampshades, brake pads, and door sealing strips.

  • Mechanical Industry

    • Metal parts cleaning, lens coating pre-treatment, industrial materials bonding and sealing pre-treatment.

  • Printing and Packaging Machinery

    • Pre-gluing treatment of edge positions.

  • Medical Equipment

    • Pre-bonding treatment of needles and plastic catheters.

  • Surface Printing, Hot Stamping, Adhesion, Pre-gluing Treatment

  • Cleaning and activation of various material surfaces, improving adhesion.


Precision-Controlled Three-dimensional Surface Modification

  • Utilizes low-temperature plasma flow treatment technology to achieve three-dimensional object surface modification, providing uniform and stable treatment effects.

  • No warm-up required, ready to use, can be started and stopped at any time.


Superior to Corona Treatment

  • Plasma treatment machines can achieve surface energy levels more than 10 dyn higher than corona treatment machines. For UV or water-based ink printing on PP and BOPP, plasma ion treatment is required.

*Note: Dyne value is the surface energy of a material; the higher the value, the better the material can accept ink adhesion. Water-based ink has the poorest adhesion, so the surface dyne value needs to be high.


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